A message to All Sudanese Bloggers
hello there, it is nice to get to meet many Sudanese bloggers from the net and through my blog here and it is even nicer to read there blog and hear about there opinion I am for sure grateful for that, I hope all of you are enjoy the enormous flow of information that we are getting on the net about the election of our home country the Sudan, with this overflow of information and articles comes a great responsibility that lies heavily our shoulders (Sudanese bloggers), we as Sudanese have our voice to explain to the world what we think about this upcoming election, if we keep silent and only blog about our personal experience and our thought of the world around us and ignore an event so important for the future of the sudan such as the election in the Sudan we are miss out on the action a lot. I would like to invite all Sudanese blogger to blog about the election and about their opinion or even about their dislike in how this election is going or the direction in which it is leading the Sudan to, please shear your thought and opinion with the world because I am sure the world want to hear you. i know i do :)
I hope that we could set a date that we all could blog about the election on so if you think this idea is a good one please post a comment and tell me what you think and when do you think the day should be in.
Wishing you all the best on your blogging and May you have wonderful and a good blog post soon. Hopefully about election in sudan.